
I am  looking out my living room window at the sun glistening off the snow, illuminating the house across the street, making the branches of the evergreen magical on this cold, winter morning. I hope I never become jaded to the beauty of winter morning light…..what color is it? Blue? Gray? Teal? Silver? The branches of the leafless trees shine golden into the bright morning.

Francis Bacon wrote that God’s first creature was Light. Light does have an aliveness that becomes a companion to us. We move to its source the way a cat follows the sunlight spilling warmth on the floor, first here, then there, always moving into its glow.. Particularly in these days of cold and darkness, we long for light, the light of the sun, the light of a favorite reading lamp, candlelight.

Candlelight…….have you ever noticed how beautiful everyone looks in candelight? Have you ever noticed how even the most dreary room can be transformed by candelight? In worship when we bring candlelight into the room we are claiming that the Light of Christ is in our midst. At the end of the service when the acolyte carries the flame out of the sanctuary, we are claiming that the Light of Christ also lives and exists in the world.

Each year at Christmas my Book Club and our significant others gather for dinner and celebration. The food is always wonderful, the company filled with history and love. We have been together for over 20 years and have known the joy of new love,weddings,babies, exciting careers.  We have also known cancer and divorce, the loss of parents and loved ones. As we sit down to share a meal together,candles flickering on the table and on the faces all around, there is always a moment when I pause and take in the table and see beauty…the beauty of those dear to me whose love I have known in countless ways. I allow my gaze to rest on each one knowing that this is what heaven looks like, feels like, is like…..bathed in the Light.

Maybe tonight is a good night to have dinner by candlelight…even if it is frozen pizza, it will taste better and everyone present will look more beautiful…..and perhaps be more thankful.