Letting Be

Today was a day to "let be." With the snow arriving just before everyone started their commute, it was clear that getting anywhere quickly would be a certain frustration if not an impossibility. So, equipped with good coffee, some entertaining music and laughter on the radio, I decided to just "let be". I had countless things to accomplish, but it was cold, and slippery, and I saw too many cars that had spun out or into something so taking the slow route seemed to be the best choice. It was not a day for hurrying.

"Letting be" is a good way to spend the day. You live in the moment. You let yourself off the hook. You become gentle with yourself and others. There is a wisdom in the rhythm of letting be. This wisdom says: slow down, breathe, be still and know that God is in the moments.

Annie Dillard writes: "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." Today it felt good to me to spend my day "letting be".  The snow and cold were the invitation and I accepted. Tomorrow there will plenty of time for all that must be done.