Tiny Window

Always go forward on the path of obedience as far as you know it until I intervene, even if it seems to be leading you where you fear I could never mean you to go.”
~Hannah Hurnard, Hind’s Feet on High Places

In a book of Celtic writings given to me as a gift, I came across these words by an author I did not know. Doing a little research I learned that Hannah Hurnard was an author of Quaker background who wrote many books in the early 20th century, was born in England and lived as a missionary in Israel for some time. She walked first in a fairly traditional world but seems to have ventured off that path into a variety of healing ministries that, at the time, seemed unorthodox. It was fascinating to follow the little thread that opened me to the writings of this poetic and inspired writer.

What struck me about these writings was her frankness about the confusing nature of this path we often travel in the spiritual life. The idea that we could actually be led to places we might never imagine the Holy meaning us to go is not foreign to me. I have lived it. I have watched others live it. The truth for me is that I rarely have a clue where I think God might be calling, am almost always wrong about my hunches, and dig my heels in at nearly every turn. Like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, I flap my arms first this way and then the other trying to choose the path at the fork in the road. Sound familiar?

Which is why reading these words and thinking about Hurnard’s message gave me much to ruminate on over the 4th of July holiday. You see, I was sitting in one of my favorite ‘staring’ places when I read her writing. This place involves a tiny window that allows me to see only a fraction of what is a beautiful, peaceful lake in northern Wisconsin. When I am blessed to be in this place, I can spend hours (seriously!) staring out this small open space as boats, birds, swimmers, water-skiers move in and out of my field of vision. There is something powerful about not being able to see the whole picture, only what moves in and out of this 2 x 3 foot window to the world.

The truth is I am kind of a big picture person. It is in my nature to see one thing, one image, connect it to the next and yet another until, before you know it, I have the Google World Map of images floating in my mind. This gift has its purposes and over the years has served me well. But sometimes having only the tiniest of views can be a great opportunity. To be in the present moment. To practice patience and trust in not knowing what is on the horizon. This tiny window provides this kind of spiritual practice.

If we are honest with ourselves most of us would admit that we are often fearful about where our spiritual path may be taking us. How the Holy calls us to change, grow, move, let go, is almost always life changing. Think Moses. Ruth. Jacob. Mary. Jesus. Sometimes these ancient wisdom figures of our faith had the big picture. But most of the time they were only privy to a tiny glimpse of where they might be heading, where the path was taking them. They were being led in ways and to places they never dreamed they would be meant to go.

And so it is with us. To be human is to be on a journey that keeps unfolding,most often, in spite of all the plans we make. Surprises, challenges, joys and sorrows greet us at every turn. Sometimes the best practice is to spend time looking only out at only a tiny part of what the world is offering. The bigger picture will emerge when we are ready.

And that will be time enough.


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