Singing Through the Hard Times

It is a rainy, somewhat dreary morning. And yet, though it is still quite early, I have already felt an energy that is electrifying. I have just returned from the place where I have cast my ballot full of well thought out votes. Votes that speak of my way of viewing the world. Votes that hope for the greater good for all people. Not just those whose lives are like mine but for those whose journey has been, and will forever be, vastly different than anything I can imagine. Votes that, for me, speak of my understanding of faith.

As I pulled out of my driveway the neighborhood children were waiting for the bus. I rolled down the window to say good morning. One of the young ones yelled out: “Happy voting!”. I smiled and offered my thanks. Driving away I thought of the joy with which his message was delivered. Walking into my polling place the faces that passed by me on their way out were not those who could be defined as ‘happy’. The seriousness of their countenance spoke of the long journey we have traveled to get to this day. It has been a journey filled with conflicting messages, half-truths and out right lies. It has been a journey that has pulled communities and families apart. It has been a journey that has spent a sinful amount of money on advertising and inciting fear. In so many ways, we all should be ashamed of ourselves. For the abuse of financial power and the twisting of truth to manipulate.

At the end of this day, decisions will be made and our lives will continue. We will get up and go to work. Children will go to school. Meals will be made, books will be read. Conversations will shift from politics to whatever it was we spoke of six months ago when these races, these amendments were not driving our energies. Depending on the outcomes of today’s votes, there may be changes, changes that impact our lives and the lives of others. Whatever the decisions, I have confidence that as a people we have the courage and creativity to continue to be a force for goodness in the world. Perhaps it is naive on my part but I truly believe the world tilts in this direction. Though we may veer off in other directions at times, I still believe as Anne Frank said in her diaries that humans are “good at heart”.

On Sunday as we ended our time of worship we sang a song together in voices that were filled with a hope for goodness that I cling to. It is a song written by Utah Phillips, justice and labor worker. You can hear the tune by searching his name and the title of the song ‘ Singing Through the Hard Times’. Faces lifted in smiles and courage and a stubborn love:

We are singing through the hard times,
Singing through the hard times;
Working for the good times to come.
We are singing through the hard times,
Singing through the hard times;
Working for the good times to come

As people of faith we have always sung through the hard times while working for the good that is yet to be. We have sung psalms and spirituals. We have sung hymns and songs of protest. We have lifted our voices creating a cloud of music that hovers above even the darkest of times. Today we will, as we always have, take seriously the work that is before us while at the same time knowing some deep happiness in our hearts that we have the privilege to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who agree and disagree with us. In this standing we continue to give birth to this nation which was merely a dream less that three centuries ago.

As a country we are young and we are still learning what it means to be ‘ of the people, by the people and for the people.’ My prayer is that this day ends showing that, perhaps, we have learned some lessons.


2 thoughts on “Singing Through the Hard Times

  1. Well said Sally! I am so energized/elated today–and so relieved that the campaigning is over! I do feel shame as you referred to over the sinful amount of money spent when we know the good that amount could have done in the lives of struggling people. My hope is that controls WILL be established to thwart such in the future.

  2. Dear Sally,

    You are blessed with such gifts and are a blessing to so many.
    Thank you for your beautiful, thoughtful, meaningful sharing.
    It is so easy to forget that our freedom and the choices we have are such a gift also and the importance of each of us prayerfully voicing them. With God’s strength let us keep working through the good and the bad times!!!!!

    Peace and Love,

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