Bless Their Hearts

“Blessings on this day born of night.
Blessings on the earth wedded to heaven.
Blessings on the creatures adored by angels.
Blessings on our bodies alive with spirit.
Blessings on our minds filled with dreams.
Blessings on our hearts opened by love.
Blessings,blessings, blessings.”
~John Philip Newell 

There are times, it seems to me, that need more blessings than others. As I have been moving about my life, observing the changes taking place around me both in people’s lives and the life of the Earth, it feel to me as if this is a time that is begging for blessing.  Not only is it a transitional time in our season from summer to autumn, from vacation life to the more structured school life but we are also approaching the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Reports on television and radio and in print are trying to come to some understanding of this decade observance. Film clips of that day are being replayed and the questions and concerns that have shaped who we are as a people over the last years are once again at the forefront. It will, I believe, be difficult to escape. And I am not saying we should.

For some reason this has all put me to thinking about blessings. Where the blessings are arising. Who needs blessing. What blessings, if any, we can glean from what happened a decade ago. How I might be a person that is a better ‘blesser.’

I grew up in an area of the country that is not quite southern and not quite northern. One of the statements that is common among the people there is: “Well, bless her(his) heart.” This statement is made for all manner of times. When someone does something kind and wonderful or when someone does something right down stupid. It is heard coming from the lips of people of all ages and sometimes at the oddest of times. It is best said with a certain amount of humility, as if in saying it in no matter what the situation, you are in cahoots with the Holy. Which is of course what we are doing when we offer blessings.

In addition to this time of reflective transition, I am also thinking about the number of young ones I know who are beginning kindergarten. I was astounded to realize how many 5-6 year olds I know! In case you haven’t been around any kindergartners lately, I will remind you that they are some of the sweetest creatures on Earth. The age at which one enters the arena of school, is a particularly precious age, full of innocence and possibility. Their wide-eyed wonder at the world is a lesson for us all.

These little ones were born in the middle years of a decade which seems like the roller coaster created by 9/11. We have gone up and down the steep hills of economy, politics, faith, doubt, fear and compassion. And yet here are the ones born of this fitful time. They stand filled with the hope and promise of a new creation. During these first days of school they will walk into classrooms ready to offer them ideas, concepts, creativity, and dreams that will give shape to a world that is yet to be. They deserve and need our blessing.

And to that may we all say: “Bless their hearts.”

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