
On my drive back from the retreat center where I was privileged to spend time recharging my batteries, I saw an interesting sight. A wire fence that lined the washboard road of ice stretched for a mile or so between simple metal stakes. Sitting atop the majority of the stakes, upside down, was a single boot. Boot after boot swayed in the breeze of prairie wind. There were small, child size rain boots. There were smaller, more feminine boots though none very fancy. There were many workboots used by those who spend their days in mud and muck. I didn't notice any mates…..all single boots perched atop the fence to keep the animals in and the people out. The sight of them filled me with such joy! What a great visible joke!

Now I have always been intrigued by the shoes you see at the side of the road. While I can make sense of some of those that must have been placed on the top of the car while loading up, many of them seem to have no rhyme or reason. How does a stray shoe just end up on the freeway? How do so many? Isn't it a mystery?

But the boot fence was something else entirely. It was an act of whimsy by some closet artist who wanted to make people like me ask questions, who wanted to provide a little lift to what may have been a dreary day. I can imagine the person keeping an eye out for stray boots or interesting ones that would fit the bill for this evolving art fence. Perhaps this person goes into thrift stores and purchases a battered pair of boots, walks out the door and throws one boot by the wayside while carrying the other home to be placed perfectly on the stake that had stood empty until that moment. Who knows how it has all worked?  But I do know it sure gave me pleasure to see this tip of the hat to goofiness in what can be a very serious world. Whoever the artist is, if they even think of themselves in that way, I am thankful for your work. It provided a wake up call that was much needed. I hope their enjoyment in this creation is equaled to mine in my encounter with the boot fence.

For all artists everywhere, who make us laugh, think, thrill, swoon, weep…..I give my thanks.

3 thoughts on “Whimsy

  1. Ha! Great story, Sally. Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks about those freeway shoes!

  2. There is a movie in there someplace, don’t you think? The stories of those shoes and their owners!

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