Scraps of Paper

"We are here to abet creation and to witness to it, to notice each other's beautiful face and complex nature so that creation need not play to an empty house." ~Annie Dillard

I have a habit, some might call it a bad habit, of writing little cryptic notes to myself on small scraps of paper. Usually I put them in my pocket or slip them inside my datebook or journal. I refer to them for ideas for writing, a sermon, or just because I found the words beautiful, important, inspiring. You get the idea. In most circumstances when I am finished using them in some way, I pitch them in the trash. 

Over the Christmas break, I was cleaning out some books I no longer have need of and this quote of Annie Dillard fell out of the book and onto the floor. Reaching down to pick it up, I read the words and a great smile spread across my face. This is a statement I have loved for a long time and I had forgotten it. "We are here to abet creation and to witness to it, to notice each other's beautiful face and complex nature so that creation need not play to an empty house." Let those words wash over you. Doesn't it give you a sense of purpose? Doesn't it fill you with some deep seeded joy? So, this is the answer to the question of why we are here!

I think I also love this phrase because it redeems the word 'abet' meaning to support, encourage, approve, affirm. This is our work as humans: to encourage and support Creation. This is our work: to approve the beauty of the faces of those we meet, to affirm the complex nature of the humans and non-humans in our lives. What if we gave ourselves this mission statement and set goals each day to accomplish the work of our lives? Can you imagine the change it might make in the world? It is a wonderful idea to imagine coming to fruition.

There are people I have met who seem to have known that this 'abetting' stuff was their life's work. They are the ones who look you right in the eye as if you are the only person they would want to talk in any particular moment. Their gaze causes you to stand taller, feel more confident, be more authentically yourself. These are the people who notice things, little things, that are good and comment on them. They are almost always the ones who send a little note out of the blue to tell you they enjoyed something you did, something you said. 

Still other 'abettors' I know are the ones who you will find standing quietly under a tree looking up into the branches, head tilted slightly to identify the song of a bird. They are the ones who can be seen showing a small child a tiny insect on the sidewalk,passing on the importance of the work of ants, spiders, even mosquitoes. They are the ones who can be seen gazing out toward a sunset with a far off look in their eyes as if trying to become a part of the mystery and beauty of that ending moment. 

I want to become more of an 'abettor', to follow the wisdom on this recovered scrap of paper. I want to do my work and do it well. I want to be the awe-struck audience member at this Universe play…..the one who doesn't rudely whisper to my neighbor, who doesn't rattle the candy wrapper making unneeded noise, who doesn't cough so incessantly that I distract those around me. I want to be present to the play, to offer fullness of my presence for all its worth, and when the time is perfect, applaud my appreciation.

3 thoughts on “Scraps of Paper

  1. Fantastic insight. I am keeping my eyes on a local organic farm up the road. They even deliver bottles of milk, like in the olden days! Please keep up the most-awesome writing about things that matter so much, yet draw so little attention!

  2. Thanks Thomps. I've been meaning to try if for a while but only figured it out recently. And by 'figured it out' i mean someone told me. Obviously, i don't colour much, so i like to use the Micks pieces as practice.Thanks a lot John. Yeah, i wouldn't mind colouring something of my own again someday. Takes to long though. Maybe i will someday, who knows.

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