
Sometimes you simply need to hear your mother's voice in your head. And if your mother's voice is one that brings more turmoil than anything else, there are other voices that send gentle reminders. Today, for me, the reminder voice came from the daily newspaper's horoscope column. "Give yourself instruction and then follow it. Your directives don't have to be difficult. Ask yourself to do specific, simple tasks. The point is to put your higher self back in charge." Geminis who read this daily missive might have read the same thing.

Though I rarely skip a day's reading, this column does not always speak to me. But today's words cut to the quick. I have a million little loose ends floating around my head that simply need to be dealt with. Sound familiar? So I am setting about this morning creating the lists that will help clear out the clutter that has kept me from the more creative acts I want to pursue. Sewing up those dangling tasks will be the easy part of the horoscope to follow. But by clearing that path out, I will get to the important point: 'putting my higher self back in charge.'

I don't know about you but I so often let the knit-picky, finger-pointing, shallow self be in charge of my daily actions. I get drawn into this little contention or that little piece of gossip and before I know it my day is consumed. Given the direction of my 'higher self', I walk away from those little opportunities to gaggle around the water cooler, sharing useless, even harmful bits of news. Given the guidance of my higher self, I look for the good in every situation, the possibility rather than the limitation. Give the guidance of my higher self, I listen to the voice of Spirit to move me, to choose my words, to place before me the greater good in any given situation. This higher self is my Spirit-guided self. This is the self that is made in the image of God.

What instructions are you giving yourself today? What do you want to follow? Where is your higher self living these days? In driver's seat, the back seat, or the trunk? Though this horoscope was meant for spring birthdays, I think those born in all seasons could benefit from its direction, don't you? If you are inclined, I invite you to share in this wise nugget to shape the day. We can all wait to see the surprises that 'putting our higher selves in charge' might bring.

"Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:1

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