
"The light shines in the darkness"……. John 1:5

Just a few hours ago the Winter Solstice arrived. On this day,December 21st, we recognize that the sun will begin returning and our days will once again grow longer. There was a time in my life when this awe-inspiring fact would have gone unnoticed. Growing up we never spoke of the Winter Solstice. To have done so in a predominantly conservative Christian area of the country would have seemed suspect. After moving to Minnesota where the winter days are even darker than those of my childhood, I began to notice the ways in which the darkness plays havoc with the rhythm of people's lives even with their very spirits. Not long after this awakening I began to come into contact with people who paid attention to celebrations like the Winter and Summer Solstice and their awareness shaped mine.Even many churches, including my own, now fold this celebration into its worship life. For this I am very grateful.

My gratitude comes from a deep place. Knowing that the community that shapes my spiritual life also holds in honor those whose wisdom and knowledge of how the universe works is important to me. The recognition that the date set for celebrating the birth of the Christ Child was placed close to this important celebration held sacred by ancients also is important. It helps me see myself and all others connected through time by a great Mystery that holds us all. It helps remind me that while Christians wait for the coming of the Light of the world we are also waiting for a literal return of light that will nurture and sustain not only the human ones but all the earth. It is a very heady thing to think about!

The light will not return to us right away. Over days that have passed and for a few more to come, we will be held suspended in the darkness that has descended incrementally since the full light of June's Summer Solstice. Mostly we have not noticed its slow ebb. But over the last several weeks we have all felt the slow depletion of light, not only in our days but in our souls as well. The change toward more light will happen just as slowly. But it will happen. On Christmas Day we will be graced by one more minute of sunlight. That day, while presents are being opened, while toys are being played with and new sweaters are being pulled over heads, a little more light will come into our world. We will hardly notice, in fact it is a sure bet we will not even be aware. That is unless we choose to stay awake to the play of light on the snow, the light that edges its way into our over packed and exuberant day. 

That tiny infant born so long ago was also easy to miss. And yet the light that its life shone into the world shines still……if we are awake…..if we choose…to watch and be aware of the ways hands reach out to other hands and hearts are continue to be warmed by a Love born out of the deepest darkness. This is the gift of the solstice. This is the gift of Christmas.

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