Never Commonplace

"To the real mystic, the passing of the seasons is never commonplace. It is the repetition that finally, finally opens our eyes to God where God has always been: right under the feet of us." Joan Chittister, Sacred Moments in Everyday Life.

Over the last two weeks I have observed much worship happening. Almost none of this has been in church. Driving on Highway 13 which runs along the Mississippi River near our house, I have observed people standing on bridges and along the road simply looking at the colors of the leaves changing. Many times they are just standing as if in a trance, as if drawn there by something out of their control. While they may stand in small groups or in couples, they are not talking, they are looking, gazing at the miraculous show of life slipping from the leaves, signaling the end of another season. Perhaps there is nothing that need be said in the presence of such Mystery.

Yesterday in a meeting we were sharing what our favorite thing about autumn is. One person spoke of the smell of rotting leaves, the moisture they hold, the scent of the evergreens in fall. She said,"It always amazes me that death can smell so wonderful!" These trees, that bring oxygen to we lowly humans, put on the show of their lives as their leaves slip slowly to feed the earth once again. The brilliant reds, deep oranges, and mellow golds stop us in our tracks and nearly demand our attention, even our worship.

As Joan Chittister points out, this passing is never commonplace. The repetition of the seasons does, indeed, invite us to see God where God has always been:right in front of us, right under our feet. As I see those who are drawn to stop their cars and pay attention, deep attention to this passing, it warms my heart. The beauty of God has lured them from their frantic lives and offered a gift. The leaves are offering the gift of their very lives. It is the ultimate sacrifice. It is full of color and a wonderful scent that only happens once a year.

And there is nothing commonplace about any of it. Let us worship!

Have a blessed weekend…………….

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