Inner Light

"For the first showings of the morning light and the emerging out line of the day, thanks be to you, O God. For earth's colours drawn forth by the sun, its brilliance piercing clouds of darkness and shimmering through leaves and flowing waters, thanks be to you. Show to me this day, amidst life's dark streaks of wrong and suffering, the light that endures in every person. Dispel the confusions that cling close to my soul that I may see with eyes washed by your grace. That I may see myself and all people with eyes cleansed by the freshness of the new day's light." J. Philip Newell

Wednesdays are often those days in the middle of the week when I wonder where the blur of the beginning of the week has gone. It is also the day when I have the chance to look ahead and know what I might, with proper planning and good luck, have the opportunity to accomplish before the weekend. This experience could be solely mine but somehow I don't think so.And so Wednesdays can seem like a catch up day, a day to get my ducks in order so to speak. Today is one of those Wednesdays. As I try to regroup after being out of the office, away from my home, I can see the debris of neglect all around me. And so I am starting this day with a long list and a great hope.

I began my morning with this prayer from J. Philip Newell from his small book Celtic Benediction:Morning and Night Prayer. I love his words and his way of putting things in perspective for how we walk in the world. As I give thanks for the gift and the promise of this day, I feel grounded for whatever may come my way. As I offer gratitude I can also recognize those places in the world, in my daily walk, where there is darkness and suffering. In that recognition, I can ask for the ability to see the light within each person. I can allow my own light to shine forth. And then I can ask for my eyes to be washed by grace.

Eyes washed by grace. It is a wonderful image, isn't it? I pray today that my eyes may see all I meet with eyes scrubbed clean by a good bath of grace. As I go from meeting to meeting, as I make my way along the fast paced freeways, as my life brushes another,I pray that my eyes will look out toward each person I meet with eyes that offer grace. A nod that says,"It's going to be o.k.", a smile that says,"We can do this together." Isn't this what we all want? And so why wouldn't we choose to offer it to others?

This Wednesday, September 23,2009, is a day that has never been before and never will be again. It is a gift. And so, instead of simply thinking of this Wednesday as a 'catch up' day, I pray I can see it for the opportunity that it is: a day to be lived fully, richly, completely, overflowing with grace.

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