
I haven't been paying much attention to my horoscope recently. I am not sure why but I seem not to get to that section of the newspaper with much regularity. But as I perused the comics(Bizarro was particularly funny today), I looked down at what this Gemini might expect for the day. "The time has come to move in a new direction and see different
perspectives. To see them doesn't mean you agree, but you are in the
process of opening a door."

Well, now there's something to make me sit up and take notice. A new direction? Different perspectives? I like the sound of that. Even as the days grow darker and colder the prospect of a new direction sounds very inviting, even exciting. Bring it on!

Yesterday I sat in a meeting that could have been boring but wasn't. It was a budget meeting and several around the table shared some new ideas, new directions.  As we looked toward 2010 and what funding might be available for programs, ministries, dreams, I realized how often we humans become set in our ways. We tend to find a certain groove and stick with it. So many times that groove turns into a rut. And before you know it we are doing the same old things, over and over again, no longer remembering the excitement out of which they were born. It is sad really.

Every day we wake up with the possibility of a new day. It is ours to shape and reshape as we wish. Now certainly we are sometimes bound by circumstances beyond our control. But we do have power over our perspectives if we want to open our minds, our hearts, enough to see new possibilities, try looking through a new lens. I tend to believe this is the work of the Holy Spirit, that great Door-Opener.

So, here's the deal. If you are someone who is need of a fresh start, a new beginning, take my horoscope. As a Gemini, the Twin, we love to share, the more the merrier! Let's look for new directions, creative perspectives that can set the course for an engaging autumn.It is my prayer that the Spirit will throw open the door for what can be. And won't that be exciting?

"Ever-Present Opener,
you offer me your love and strength.
You can help me open any door.
Lead me to where my truest self dwells.
I reach out to receive the freedom and courage
you extend to me at this very moment.
Transform my life into one that reflects your love.
I open the door of my heart to you.
I open the door."
~Joyce Rupp

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