Taking Stock

Today is July 31st.I realized this morning that there are only technically four weeks of summer left before children head back to school and the fresh, fall air begins to rush in on us, before we surrender once again to the order of autumn. In fact, last Sunday morning as I rose early to head to church, the air smelled different than it had.There was a hint of fall lingering within the morning.

So that makes me ask myself the question: Am I really enjoying this summer? Am I living it to the fullest, savoring those elements of summer that we so long for in our winter days? Are you enjoying this summer? Are you squeezing every bit of enjoyment out of it?

Here are some things I look forward to in summer. Picnics. The sweetness of watermelon. Vegetables from the farmer's market with, as a friend noted this week, dirt still clinging to the roots. Taking in an outdoor concert, most of which are free. Berries of all kinds, picking them and canning them. Watching the kids in the neighborhood ride their bikes up and down, up and down the street, aimlessly. Reading a book under a shade tree and maybe dozing off a bit. The beauty of the lakes and all the summer wildlife that grace their shores. Walking barefoot in the wet, morning grass.Simple, free pleasures.

Near our home office area hangs a whimsical picture with the words:"Most people don't know that there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life." Today is a day to take stock, not so much of my life, but certainly of this summer. Have I fallen asleep, gotten too comfortable or more likely, too busy,to be present to these fleeting summer days? Have you? Perhaps the Angels of August are flapping their wings over our heads right this very minute saying "Wake up! Summer is slipping away. Don't miss it!"

Here's a nod to the angels for the wake up call. And now it is time to head out into the sunshine and turn my face heavenward in gratitude. Join me?

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