
"This day God gives me
Strength of high heaven,
Sun and moon shining,
Flame in my hearth.
Flashing of lightning,
Wind in its swiftness,
Depths of the ocean,
Firmness of earth."
~James Quinn, SJ

This is my prayer this spring morning. You see, I find myself in a place I can only describe as 'schlogging', that feeling of needing to move through some days thick with challenges, deep sadness, and difficulty. It is rare for me to feel this way and for that I am grateful. But, like most people, these times do come and when they do, I think of it as needing to push through the thick energy that surrounds…schlogging. I am not even sure if that is a word but it fits for me and my experience.

And so when these times come, I try to connect myself with that which does not change. The rhythms of the Earth, the rising of the sun, the moon shining in the night sky, the emergence of the season at hand, and the presence of the Holy in it all. It allows me to plant my schlogging feet on something solid until the thick energy softens and allows me to move more freely. It reminds me of who I am in the great scheme of things and, in turn, to perhaps take myself less seriously, allowing the challenges to find perspective.

The reality is that each of us is held on this planet by forces unseen. The gift of walking upright, warmed by the sun, made vital by the oxygen, not of our own making, but created by the trees that fill our lungs. We move through our day by the force of those who have gone before, hose left the gifts with which we do most of our work. The things we take for granted were made possible by people who sacrificed, created, and schlogged before us……parents, grandparents, inventors, artists, dreamers,preachers……prepared the way for this day in which we now stand. This is important to remember.

And so on this day, even in my schlogging, especially in my schlogging, I give thanks for the on-going grace that holds me, that holds each of us. 

"This day God sends me Strength as my guardian,

Might to uphold me, Wisdom as guide.

Your eyes are watching, Your ears are listening,

Your lips are speaking, Friend at my side."

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