Deep Within

 “Deep within, I will plant my law, not on stone but in your
heart….Follow me and I will bring you home and I will be your God.” Jeremiah 31:33

 Hearts and flowers are popping up everywhere as we prepare
to celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow. It is a holiday that many love about and others loathe. Children are preparing to take Valentines to school
today after carefully scrutinizing the words printed on their superhero and
television character themed cards, careful to choose ones that don’t give anyone the
wrong idea. Yesterday I was in Target and made note of the people, adults
mostly, standing in the card aisle, reading carefully, some laughing, some
nodding, others quickly putting back the card that was certainly not the right
one to express what they wanted to. Candy has been purchased, flowers may have been sent. Perhaps even gifts
have been purchased. All to send the message of love.

 An Internet site gives this account of the origin of this
day, though there are many opinions about why we do, what we do on February 14th.
“Some experts state that it originated
from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up
Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been
devoted to love lotteries. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell
note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it
"From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint
Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor
Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope
Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.”

 Whatever the reason for the celebration, it is clear that
the world needs more expressions of love and not just one day out of the year.
I am not speaking primarily of romantic love but the love that brings out the
best in us as we share with another person what they truly mean to us, how they
have shaped us, helped us, how they have gone the extra mile on our behalf. In
the hurried world we live in we often don’t take the time to say what needs to
be said. A simple thank you, a kind word, a ‘love note’ can go a long way to
lift someone above the ordinary,make their day, mend a broken heart, heal a troubled world. As I imagine the energy of world on a day filled with acts of love, I imagine a world that radiates healing. Can you imagine it too?

Sharing love and kindness is an act of sharing in the Holy.
It creates a connection with the One who planted the law of love deep within our hearts.
Sometimes we need a certain day, or a carefully cut out,red paper heart to be reminded to share
what we have been so graciously given.

 Happy Valentine’s Day……………..