Needed Dreams

"Luckily some youthful dreams never see daylight. A world of nothing but firemen, astronauts and ballerinas would indeed be a nightmare. There's another dream in creation today, and this is one the world really needs."

This was my horoscope today. While it was meant for my 'sign', it seems to me it could be shared by everyone, no matter their birth date. Reading it I thought of the circuitous route my own life has taken. I assume most people can claim something similar. As a child I wanted to be a nurse,a librarian, an archaeologist, a dancer, an actress, an opera singer, a teacher, a writer. As I reflect on my life today, I probably have an amalgamation of all those in the work I find myself doing, the work to which I feel I have been called by a power that is greater than any career counselor, any interest assessment.

I believe each person has gifts the world needs. This is outlined in our scriptures and the wisdom stories of all cultures. How we are 'hardwired' for those gifts continues to nag at us until we answer the deep call within us to explore, develop, hone and share those gifts with the world. I often think that so much of the mental and spiritual anguish that exists in people's lives comes from never having the opportunity to share the deep gifts of that lie within.

Today is a good day to look within to see what those gifts are that simmer beneath the surface of our days, of our longings. Are we paying attention to the nudges, the Spirit touches that urge us toward our deepest dreams? What if….what if….only we can bring the most needed gifts to this day, this time, this place, our world? Would we want to withhold what has been given us to share? I don't think so.

January days are meant for ruminating, for dreaming, for looking deep within for the pearl of wisdom and warmth that needs to be born in winter's cold and dark. January days are ripe for looking for the 'dream of creation' waiting to be born. Are you ready to dream? Are you willing to share?

Enjoy the weekend……………………

"If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in
contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human
potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in
which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place."~Margaret Mead