Light Hearted

"Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God."  Karl Barth

It seems we are living in serious times. There is much to be troubled about, much to lament, much to worry over. The economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the upcoming election, the state of education… name it. There is plenty to occupy your time. As a self-described intense person, I can spend the majority of my days listening to and studying the climate of our culture….oh, yes, there’s climate change to worry about, too! Like minds attract one another, so it is not surprising that the majority of my friends also represent a certain intensity of personality. Together we can whip up quite a stew.

So it was a moment of grace this morning when I had a close encounter of a light hearted kind. I was driving on 494 East when what should pull up beside me at 60 miles per hour but the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. I looked over and laughed out loud. Tucked inside the hot dog shaped, bright orange car were two people chugging along as if they were riding in a normal sedan. I was forced to pull into the lane behind them. With this completely different view, I laughed even more. "I’m following a hot dog on the freeway!", I thought. Then just as quickly as you can say ‘mustard’ , the lanes on the bridge near Woodbury that’s been under what construction for what seems an eternity switched and the Wienermobile moved into the lane behind me. "I’m being chased by a Wienermobile!"

I thought about the people driving that sausage car. It seems to me it would be very difficult to take yourself too seriously driving such a vehicle. I thought of my friend who is probably equally as intense as I can sometimes be. To keep a lid on that intensity he wears two different socks. He says when he is in the midst of a serious discussion, when he wants to be perhaps more self-righteous than he ought, his eyes will wander to his mismatched socks. They remind him of all his frailties, all his imperfections, and he remembers to hold the seriousness of the world with a light heart.

The Wienermobile took the 94 East exit and headed toward Wisconsin, hopefully spreading laughter all the way across the border. It is true that there is much to be serious about in the world. But there is also the room for laughter, for silliness, for mismatched socks and crazy, wacky cars. It’s Friday and the weekend looms ahead. May we each have enough seriousness to make us humble and enough laughter to keep our hearts light with joy that is over flowing.

Have a blessed weekend………….

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