Approved Message

There are lots of ‘approved messages’ out there these days. Since we can no longer be assured that political messages are created by those running for office and their parties, it has become necessary for the candidates to be heard saying: "My name is __________ and I approved this message." It made me wonder what messages I would approve being said about me, about who I am, what I stand for, what I believe.  We also know from watching these ads that much of what is ‘approved’ is an attack on the rival candidate. This way of doing politics….which originally meant ‘the good of all the people’….is an unfortunate reality of our times. It seems we can’t really know much about a person without the process of comparison, even if that comparison stretches the truth or clothes itself in innuendo or false facts.

What are the approved messages of your life? What are the approved messages that your daily living sends into the world? Into your work environment? Into your family life? Into your circle of friends? Who are you and what do you really stand for? These are essential life questions. But they are ones we probably spend little time reflecting upon. If someone created an ad about your life, what would it say? Would you feel good about approving it?

I read these words in my morning prayer today: "Restore me in the image of your love this day that the longings of my heart may be true. Restore me in the image of your love this day that my passions for life may be full." These words by J. Philip Newell seem to me to be a beginning of a message I would like to approve. Let me be an image of love in the world this day. Let my heart be filled with longings that are filled with truth. Let me be passionate about all that will bring fullness of life, not only to me but to all.

It seems it is important to write the messages we would approve for ourselves and not allow others to write them for us. What messages are you approving with your life this day?

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