
"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last,"What’s the first thing you say to yourself?"

"What’s for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"

"I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It’s the same thing," he said.

~ The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, A. A. Milne

Most people in Minnesota are starting to turn their minds towards summer’s end. As you drive by schools, athletic teams are in practice, a sure signal that fall in just around the corner. But for us, the true end to summer is the State Fair, that wonderful gathering of what I like to think of as the Great Potluck of what it means to be Minnesotan. From the urban to the country, from suburb to small town, we gather to celebrate the art of living in this place. That art takes many forms, from the beautiful and amazing fine art found in the State Fair Art Show, to the art of crops and animals, midway and foods on a stick.

People have been wondering about whether or not the economy will play a part in the success of the Fair this year. Will people pay the high price of gas to get here? With family budgets strapped,will the struggling economy have an impact on this summer’s end festival?

I don’t have the answer to that question but a news report today about the high cost of food…or I should say, feed….is having an impact. It seems there have been no entries in the Biggest Boar contest. The speculation is that the high cost of feed may have kept farmers from feeding these monstrous animals so much that they tip the scales at over one thousand pounds. Now I have to admit I have always felt sorry for these animals. They are so large that I don’t think I have ever seen one standing.Maybe they do, but I’ve never seen it. They simply lay there, in the heat of August, while people stare at them.

People are struggling everywhere with the cost of fuel and food. It is difficult for so many, especially for those who already have difficulty with basic necessities. But this shortage has also brought some very good things as well. Many people are biking to work or taking public transportation. Our bike trails are filled with riders of all ages. Still others are simply walking more.This is good not only for the health of the people but for the environment. Many people have risen to the occasion with ingenuity and determination.

And so what about that Big Boar? Maybe someone will eventually enter the contest. Or maybe this is the year when the idea of overfeeding an animal for sport is laid to rest. For me personally, the State Fair will not lose any of its appeal or glory. After all, the pen adjacent to the Boar is always the residence of the Mama Pig and her multiple piglets. A great sign of life and health and hope.

1 thought on “Boar

  1. ã„Âóメントありがとうございます。DSはもちろん没収です。お金は返させました。しかし持ってないものは返せません。兄弟には親から返し、、親には新聞配達のバイトの手伝いをした中から返させたり、晩御飯の後の後片付けのお手伝いです。最初は喋りながら一緒に片づけをしてたんですが、本人から「俺一人でいいで、母さんは座っとき」と言ってくれるようになったので最近は任せてます。本当は一緒にやることで会話の時間にしたかったけど。本人が一人で全部やりたいというので。何事ものめり込む子なので今は片づけが楽しいようです。長男は現在高校生ですが今でのお小遣い帳を付けさており、内容が虚偽なら翌月減額とけっこう厳しいです。お小遣いは元は親が働いたお金。お小遣いはお金をの¤½¿ã„方を学ぶため。しっかり収支の管理が今のうちにできるようにならないと困るからねと説明してます次男にもさせたいけどどおしても無理なんですね。これも個性かと思って話し合いの末500円なら収支報告義務免除ということにして渡しています。うちは兄弟が多いので保育所時代からそれぞれ特別を大事にしています。買い物も全員より誰かだけ連れて行って一緒にアイス食べたりはよくしてます。仕事は休職は難しいですね。専門職であり、私の代わりのいなãÂÂ役職なので。その代り朝は4時に起きて朝食、弁当、夕食まで作り子どもが起きる前にほとんどの家事を夫と協力して済ませます。帰宅後も10分後には家族そろってご飯を食べて会話もあります。仕事を理由に子育てをおろそかにしてると言われるのが昔から嫌なのでまさしく寝る間を惜しんで家族の時間を作るために精一杯の努力をしてます。晩御飯は7時に食べ終わり、次男が片づけをしてる20分の間に下の子の授乳。(食洗機にいれるくらいなんで。料理が朝なので鍋とかは朝のうちに洗ってます)お風呂に入るまでに結構時間があるので近所のシゃ§ãƒƒãƒ”ングセンターに家族でお散歩がてらおしゃべりしながら買い物もよくあることです。それでもこの事態なんでまだまだ努力不足なんでしょうね。これからもしっかり向き合いたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

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