Think Day

Maggie Jackson, author of the book Distracted which I mentioned last week, writes about a unique practice at IBM called "Think Fridays". As I understand it, there are days set aside for ‘thinking’. The regular work of the day comes to a halt and people spend the time thinking, dreaming, sharing, reflecting, scheming, and generally coming up with ideas that get lost or overlooked in the course of what ‘needs to be done’ on any given day.

All I have to say is: Sign me up! Can you imagine the anticipation that must precede Think Fridays? To have the luxury…the permission…to turn your back on the stacks of ‘to do’ and open your mind, your heart, your whole being to ‘ now what?’ or my most favorite question of all ‘what if?’  I can imagine the employees coming to work that day with the same joyfulness we once felt when heading to the playground.You remember:  Swings became spaceships. Slides were escape routes. The sand was the desert…or the ocean….or the stage…on which we logged hours upon hours of creative play. One day a pirate, the next an astronaut.

What if we took the same spirit of imagination, creativity and playfulness to the workplace? Somehow I believe we would be a happier people and more productive. What if we trusted people to bring their best ideas to Think Friday….ideas that would solve the most recent problem, heal the most troubled relationship, salvage the most recent loss?

Even if, unlike IBM, it is not possible for our individual workplaces, why not adopt the concept on our own? Declare a Think Wednesday….or a Think Lunchtime….or a Think Coffee Break? Over morning coffee, for the five minutes it takes to savor the cup of joe, allow the mind to wander over unchartered territory. It could be fun and who knows what might come of the whole process?

Wayne Muller writes in his book Sabbath: God does not want us to be exhausted. God wants us to be happy. When I ponder the prospect of what might happen on a Think Day…..I begin to grin. Grins usually lead to smiles which can often lead to laughter which almost always takes us toward happiness. I’m in favor of giving this Think Day a try.

Interested in joining me?

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