Standing Watch

Since April 23rd I have been standing watch. Standing watch over the cherry bush given by a circle of friends as a memorial gift at the time of my father’s death. Since we planted it the summer after his passing, it has always bloomed on a day near the anniversary of his death, April 23rd. But not this year. This year there were not even visible buds on the bush. The cold and gray of winter held it back from its delicate, perfect pink flowers. And so I have been watching and waiting.

Yesterday afternoon when I came home in the rain, I looked out the window to see that some buds had reached a fullness. With today’s sunshine, I am happy to say the bush has finally begun to flower. It has taken nearly three weeks longer than other years but over the next few days everyone who passes by our house will have the blessing of the sight of this sweet little bush.

When April 23rd rolled around and I could see that there would be no flowers for this anniversary, I was at first a little angry. Then I felt sadness and disappointment. It had meant something special to have those flowers bloom as homage to my Dad who was a great lover of cherry pie. But as the time wore on I began to see this delay for what it really was……a reminder that things don’t always happen when they are ‘supposed’ to, some plants(like some people) take longer to grow and flourish than others, some seasons last longer than we’d like, while others move on far too quickly.

I thought of the many times I have willed a project or situation to move forward, to progress, to ‘do something!’ only to have to practice patience and the humbling act of tongue-biting. If every parent or teacher could have a nickel for every child they have wanted to succeed more quickly, mature faster, only to learn-or re-learn, that all children do best when growing and moving at their own pace….why think of the fortunes we’d amass!

The cherry bush is blooming in its own sweet time following the wisdom and rhythm of sun, rain and temperature. To have brought forth those lovely blossoms earlier would have meant a certain wilting death. Unlike its human guard, the plant new exactly what to do and the right time to do it. How much I have learned from this precious plant.

Over the next few days I will continue to stand watch realizing that now is the appropriate time to do what humans were meant to do…….be awestruck with the beauty and wonder of it all and to give thanks. The cherry bush will do its job and I will do mine and all will be right with the world.

"Silently a flower blooms, in silence it falls away; Yet here now, at this moment, at this place, the world of the flower, the whole of the world is blooming. This is the talk of the flower, the truth of the blossom; the glory of eternal life is fully shining here."  Zenkei Shibayama