
"Our minds are like crows. They pick up everything that glitters, no matter how uncomfortable our nests get with all that metal in them."  Thomas Merton

Perhaps it is because spring is a time for cleaning, for clearing out the accumulated ‘stuff’ of the hibernating months, but I have been thinking a lot about clutter. I have been systematically cleaning out some closets, drawers, getting rid of those single socks that I thought I’d find the mate to one of these days. Where do they go anyway? I’ve been going through the piles of papers in my office getting rid of the ones I had thought were so important at the time but on re-reading them realize I could have put them in the circular file right out of the envelope.

This kind of cleaning out is easy. It is really only a matter of setting aside the time and the intention to do it. The de-cluttering that is much more difficult is the internal cleaning out of ideas, thoughts, mind cobwebs that gather over time, that pile up each day. Things like anxiety, frustration, anger, mistrust, judgments, self-pity…those little tapes we allow to play over and over in our heads. Add to those the chatter that comes at us each day of facts, fears and stories that are really not ours to own yet are presented to us, through media of various kinds, so we get drawn in and swallowed up. Without even realizing it, I can find myself walking around with a load of mind clutter that keeps me from being present to what is really important.

My friends in recovery pray: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." It is a powerful, powerful prayer. It is a prayer of surrender, of acceptance, of understanding the complexities of life,of humility, and of a final trust in self and a higher power to move through the world constantly shedding the clutter we want to harbor while gently holding onto what is most important, what is most life giving.

I have some closets that still need attention. As I look out the window it seems as if the weather is going to cooperate and by Monday they will be organized and less full. It may not be quite so easy clearing out my monkey mind……but I pray for serenity, courage and wisdom. May it be the same for you.

Have a wonderful weekend………………..