
"It would be infinitely lonely to live in a world without blessing. The word blessing evokes a sense of warmth and protection; it suggests that no life is alone or unreachable. Each life is clothed in raiment of spirit that secretly links it to everything else. Though suffering and chaos befall us, they can never quench that inner light of providence." John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us

Earlier I wrote about the passing of John O’Donohue who has been a spiritual mentor and inspiring author to me. His last book, in the process of being published at the time of his death, arrived in bookstores recently. It is both beautiful in spirit, word and look. The intricate Celtic designs that grace the book jacket set it apart from many of the other books that surrounded it on a table at Common Good Books recently.

Blessing. I have written about blessing many times in this space. O’Donohue writes: "A blessing is not a sentiment or a question; it is a gracious invocation where the human heart pleads with the divine heart." There are many times during my week when I offer silent blessings….as I pass someone holding a sign asking for help, as I see an animal who judged unwisely their ability to cross a road, as I see children playing, or witness some of the elders I know who move more slowly than they would like.

But I am not thinking about those people right now as I think of blessing. I am actually thinking about the people who are irritating, those who continue to pick away at issues or situations, those who act irresponsibly, those who intentionally hurt and cause pain, those who are void of any sensitivity to the suffering they dish out.

There is a picture today in the Star Tribune of Senator Betty McCollum responding to our governor’s recent budget vetoes. Her stance, her face, her indignation, captures much of what I have been feeling lately. Finger pointing, brow-furrowed, neck taut, she is clearly a woman who feels passionately and is able to express that passion. Inside I have been feeling the way the senator looks on the outside.

And then I come back to my walk in the world.I have been privy recently to emails and conversations that  are hurtful, crazy-making and just plain mean-spirited. I could, though not easily,respond in like fashion. But my heart tells me that is not the way to go. Instead I want to allow my ‘human heart to plead with the divine heart’ and to be able to bless even those, perhaps especially those, who are dishing out this dirt.

"The language of blessing is invocation, a calling forth. It imagines and wills the fulfillment of desire. In the evocation of our blessings, the word ‘may‘ is the spring through which the Holy Spirit is invoked to surge into presence and effect."

May I, may you, may we, be blessed with the grace to receive blessing this day and return that blessing to all who need it….even those who walk with less than gentle feet in the world so we may bless the space between us. Amen. So be it.