Big Art

"All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art  is our  life." M. C. Richards

Most people don’t think of themselves as artists.I guess I should say, most adults don’t think of themselves as artists. I think, generally, most children do….painters, dancers, singers, musicians, sculptors, architects, you name the art. At one point of childhood, most children will say they are an artist. It is unfortunate that that as we get older we lose that sense that we are creating……every day.

We are artists, or as M.C. Richards writes, we are apprentices to the art that is our life. We are apprentice homemakers, parents, friends, co-workers, children, citizens, community members, students, teachers, prophets. We are learning….apprenticing under the direction of others….how to create our life. Do you ever think of it that way? No one…ever…has walked in the world exactly like you. No one…ever...brings to the table what you bring. No one…ever…has been an apprentice to  what makes up your big art….your life.

It sounds really important when put that way doesn’t it? And it is. In our worship community we sing with regularity: "You are God’s work of art"……..each of us….creating the life that is our big art, held on the breath of the Great Artist. I wonder how each day might be different if we opened our eyes each morning, sat up in bed, and said: Today is the day to continue creating my Big Art. Today I am going to choose a little yellow for brilliance, a dab of blue for shadowing, a swish of red for flair, a big stroke of orange for richness, green for growing in all the open spaces on the canvas, white for contrast here, black for contrast there, and purple because, well, just because.

There are so many ways we can create the art that is our life. We have so many wonderful models that have walked before us, creating as they go. So, what colors are on your palette this day?

"When we speak words come out. When God speaks birds come out. You are a word that God spoke too. What do you think God means by you?" Polly Berrien Berends, Gently Lead: How to Teach Your Children About God While Finding Out For Yourself