
"Once upon a time, the ancients tell us, a disciple said to the rabbi, "God took six days to create the world and it is not perfect. How is that possible?" "Could you have done better?" the rabbi asked. "Yes, I think I could have," the disciple said. "Then what are you waiting for?" the rabbi said. "Go ahead. Start working."
A Hasidic Tale

Many years ago I came across the writings of Matthew Fox. It was in his book Original Blessing that I came to understand the concept of co-creation and it has influenced how I think about my work in the world ever since. The basic gist is this: We are all in this business of creating the world…God…me…you…all the time, it never stops.

Now this, of course, was a very different message than the one I was taught in Sunday School. That message contained a God who created the world…perfect…and we humans messed it up and that is why things are the way the are. I have to admit that there was something within me that never truly bought that message. When I read Original Blessing, my life, the church, my faith, my image of God began to find, at least for me, a deeper grounding.

If I am a co-creator with God in and of the world, that has real power. If the Holy and I are in this together, what responsibility do I have to take this work seriously? Do my part?

I’ve been thinking about this lately because I have found myself staggering toward cynicism. As I read the papers, listen to political candidates, hear speeches from church leaders, it is really easy for me to feel powerless, voiceless. What can I possibly do to end this senseless war? How can I possibly be a voice for justice in our church? What can I do to stop the destruction of this beautiful, amazing planet?

That’s when it hits me…...I am a co-creator. Little old me….with all my flaws, my insecurities, my doubts,my short-sighted-ness.  This is not a perfect world by a long shot. But it is the world in which the Creator has flung me….and you….all of us for this time in the history of Universe. And we are asked simply to do our part…..however we discern it.

I don’t know what a perfect world is. But I do have a notion of what a more-perfect world would look like. And that does not include tyranny, oppression, hunger, hopelessness, war, injustice. It would include honor for all God’s creations…that is ALL.

So, today I will fight against the cynicism that grows with powerlessness. Instead I will remember that we are in this together….you…me…and the One who breathed and loved us into being. And we are ALL counting on one another…today, tomorrow, and everyday.

"Do you want a test to know if your work in life is over? If you are alive, it isn’t."  Richard Bach

Enjoy the falling leaves this weekend………………….