Gospel Stories

"Two or three things I know for sure, and one of them is that to go on living I have to tell stories, that stories are the one sure way I know to touch the heart and change to world."   Dorothy Allison

Gospel…..meaning ‘good news". We refer to the first four books of the Christian scripture as the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In these books, these authors, tell of the ‘good news’ of Jesus through their own life experience and world view. Scholars will point out the similarities, differences and obvious "agenda" of each of these writers. Make no mistake about it….these are as much their stories as they are the story of Jesus and his followers.

Over the weekend I was privileged to help host Jeffrey Barnes, an actor and playwright who tells his own good news story.. His show Remember Who Made You was staged at Hennepin and as I sat through the performances I was once again struck with how each of us, whether we realize it or not, carries our own gospel story waiting to be shared with the world. We each have experiences that illuminate our understanding and experience of how the Holy One has moved in our lives. Unlike Jeffrey, we don’t always tell our story to an audience……and often not even to ourselves.

Human beings are innate storytellers. We need look no further than the walls of caves adorned with animals, scenes of battles and conquests, elaborate dances around fires, scenes of sacrifice and honoring, to know it is true. We have stories to tell and the world needs them…..especially our ‘good news’ stories.

Each day we can hear, if we want to, the unfolding life story of countless celebrities and their struggles and strife. I am not sure how helpful that really is, to us or to them. But each person has their own experience of those over-reported, always dramatic stories and if in some way good comes from hearing about these famous people, may that good be blessed.

My question is, what about the rest of us not-so-famous people? What about my gospel story, your gospel story? How will the Gospel According to Bob, or Susan, or…..you fill in the blank.….be told? Whether you write it down in a journal or simply make a mental note of how your story is unfolding, your experience is important. Whether you tell it to a friend or to a stranger,it is a story that needs to be told. Telling our stories, with all their struggles and pain, doubt and questioning, revelation and insight, helps us weave ourselves together as a people, help us not only to remember who made us, but to remember who we are. Telling our Gospel According to………..touches hearts and has the power to change the world.

Can we hear your story….please?