
"We are made in God’s image. We find fulfillment in Community, not in isolation."

I’ve been thinking about community this morning. Yesterday as we gathered for worship in the backyard of our parsonage, I was struck with the fullness of community to which I belong. There were all those people I have known for years, those I had just met-‘visitors’, there were those younger than myself, those older, teenagers laying on blankets, babies and small children happy to sit on the grass and feel the freedom of a summer breeze. But yesterday morning our community was even fuller. We worshiped under the shade of the crab apple trees I mentioned earlier this spring, hostas danced all around us and the large Dutch Elms stood full of strength to the east and north of our gathering………adorned with large orange circles. We will lose them soon and we will be less for it.

Community………in a culture that so values individuality it is easy to continue to send ourselves messages that "I can do this alone" or " I have to make this happen" or " I , I,  I". You get the picture. But yesterday as I was privileged to stand in a circle of people that blessed those who were celebrating 25 & 37 years of marriage, I knew community is where I know God. As we blessed the courageous one celebrating three years and two days of sobriety, I knew that it was in this healing circle where the Holy shows up. As one of our young men stood proud and tall and told of his new job which will take him away from us, I knew that the circle moves and reshapes so we become the arms of the Divine holding him and others as they move out into the world. As the children, full of excitement for summer, celebrated last days of school, I knew that to be a part of a community that reflects the fullness of life’s joys and sorrows is what it means to be the Body of Christ.

From what we know of Jesus, he was about the work of creating community…..where ever he went crowds gathered, people ate and prayed, people were healed, people went out and told their friends, and they told theirs, and others were welcomed into the circle. In this living of community we become the ‘incarnation’ (God-with-us) of the Holy in our time.

Where do you find community? Where do you find God? May your circle be wide and full, holding you in the embrace of the Beloved One.