Anticipating Solstice

"Brother Sun, I greet you, companion of my day. You are icon of the burning God. You are creature of her blazing hand. You are messenger of her flaming love. You are child of her scorching fire. I offer you my shadows. I turn my face to you like every greening thing. Search me with your fervent gaze, that I may blaze and yet not be consumed, thou burning fire, thou Brother Sun."  Jan L. Richardson

Heads up, literally,…..tomorrow is Summer Solstice, June 21st. What are your plans? Tomorrow marks the end of spring, the beginning of summer, the longest day of the year. It would be easy to let this day slip by like any other. It is, after all Wednesday, that mid-point between last weekend and next weekend. Instead I invite you to celebrate this day as many will around the world….those not so tied to clocks, the busyness of work, those not so removed, perhaps,  from their connection with the miracles of Creation.

For so many years, particularly in the church, we didn’t speak of Summer Solstice, this day held sacred by humans since before Christianity or institutionalized religion. This happened for all kinds of reasons. Over the last decades, however, we have  ‘re-discovered’ the gift of this celebration. This day, when we experience the most Light and the least darkness, can be an opportunity to stop and reflect on where that Light has shone in your life. It can be a time to take stock of the blessings that have graced your daily path and to give thanks.

Tomorrow, if you were to walk outside at noon, the Sun will be nearly directly overhead. You will have a very small shadow… will be bathed in light. It might be a good time to take a moment to offer gratitude for the ways your life has been blessed. Friends…………work….. creativity….home…. beauty….play…. adventure……travel…. faith…..hope?  It can be a small but powerful act. Absorb the warmth of this offering of light and greening, growing power that is pure gift.

The Celts, who joyfully celebrate the Solstice, would offer a prayer of greeting on this day, this one written by Caitlin Matthews: "Glory of the Day-Star, hail! Lifter of the Light, Burnisher of the Sky. Gifts of love to earth are bringing, Summer’s shimmer, dew’s delight. Dancing be the heart within us, open be our souls to bliss, Courage vanquish every shadow, Greet midsummer with a kiss"

Happy Solstice!.