Sticks and Stones

Words matter. How we speak to one another, how we express our love, anger, opinions,thoughts, creativity,faith all matters. I have been listening to the news and reading the paper about words that were said recently by a radio personality and the responses to his words. The situation has only fueled my long held belief that the words"sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is completely false. Words matter……always.

I have long been an advocate-an often outspoken one- for the use of inclusive language in worship. I believe it makes a difference how we express our experience and understanding of the Holy. When we use only one word or image to name God, we neglect seeing the multitude of ways the Sacred is alive in our world. It is particularly important, I believe, in how we shape the ability for our young ones to express their faith and their experiences of life.

I have often told my sons that it is very important to pay attention to the words they put into their minds and hearts.I tell them that through music,movies,books and other media, it is very easy to feed our inside with harmful,derogatory words that can-in the heat of the moment, the offhand remark,the attempt at humor-come out and express things in ways we will later regret….ways that will cause hurt to another beyond our imagination.

Each part of Creation is sacred. As humans we have been given a special gift…..language. These words which assign meaning to our lives, our experience,our history and our future allow us to express the full range of what it means to be human. This gift is not to be taken lightly.

I have certainly spoken many harmful words in my life. I pray that I have had the grace and humility to ask forgiveness when my carelessness has caused another harm. I pray that my asking was done with an open heart and a full knowledge of the pain I caused. I pray that the experience once again reinforced that words matter.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O God."
Psalm 19