Behold Your Son

I have known minimal suffering in my life. I have lost loved ones, experienced illness, had a few broken hearts, but in the grand scheme of the world, I have known little suffering. So it is often difficult for me to enter fully into the Holy Week story in ways that I see others do. I do not particularly identify with Jesus’ suffering.I find it difficult to identify with his persecution, his mental & physical anguish or his crucifixion.

The person in the story I do identify with in the scriptures this week is Mary, Jesus’ mother. I often wonder what it must have been like to have watched this probably precocious child grow, mature and begin to challenge the world powers. I imagine she felt pride, confusion, concern, frustration, as any mother does as she watches her child find their way-and their prophetic voice- in the world. To then be present for the arrest, trial and execution of your child…….that part is beyond my imagination.

This year in particular this part of the the Easter story has become more real for me. Several times a day I drive by the house of people I nominally know. In their window is an Armed Forces star signifying a son who is serving in Iraq. On each side of the star is a battery powered candle. I think of the mother inside who has watched her son grow, mature and begin to find his way in the world. I imagine the pride, confusion, concern she must feel. I imagine the commitment and sheer will that goes into keeping those candles lit. I imagine the deep prayer that goes beneath their light.

I have a son who is old enough to be in Iraq. I am grateful he is safe in a college dorm room still finding his way in the world, still searching for his prophetic voice. Like Mary and mothers everywhere, I know the deep connection mothers and sons have and as I drive by that star I send a prayer out into the Universe for this son…..her son…our sons.

As we hear the Easter scriptures read, we remember the life of Jesus…….Mary’s son…..whose light continues to shine in the world. As we hear the words may we say a fervent prayer for the sons and daughters everywhere who are in danger. May the candles that hold their lives continue to stay lit until they are safe at home once more.