Snow Blessings

I am blessed to be sitting  in my home this morning watching the snow come down outside my window. I am blessed that I really didn’t need to leave the house and drive through traffic to get to the office, that I have the ability of "telecommuting", doing work on-line, by phone. I recognize this blessedness and offer traveling mercies to all you who must go out as you make your way about the roads.

I have stacked all around me new books just purchased yesterday, books of poetry and prayers, one of which is by J. Philip Newell entitled Celtic Treasure. It is a collection of scripture and prayers to create a pattern of devotion in daily life. Each day begins with lighting a candle, naming the Spirit’s presence, silence, scripture, silence, prayers, blessing the day and extinguishing the candle. Simple. A wonderful rhythm to embrace.

One of my favorite places is Clare’s Well, a retreat farm near Annandale run by Franciscan sisters. I have retreated there a few times and always am enriched by the quiet hospitality, fabulous food,morning and evening prayer and the gentle rhythm that exists in their daily lives. I have always longed for that simple rhythm of those who live in religious community, their prayer life, and their intention to practicing the Presence of God. The sisters also live very close to the Earth, gardening, farming, and watching for how the Holy moves across their little piece of the prairie.

Perhaps today is a day to embrace that kind of rhythm. Today could be a good day to light a candle, name and claim the Spirit’s presence, have silence and prayer and watch how the Holy is moving outside our windows. This snow which may seem like such a bother is actually sorely needed for the Earth to bear spring fruit and the fullness of summer flowers. So, I offer gratitude to the One who has created and is creating with these words from Celtic Treasure: In the rising of the sun and its setting, in the whiteness of the moon and its seasons, in the infinity of space and its shining stars, you are God and we bless you. May we know the harmony of heaven in the relationships of earth and may we know the expanse of its mystery within us.

Blessings on your day…stay warm….stay safe.