Seeking Truth

"Be a seeker of truth". My horoscope again. Yes, that was the final pithy line in an otherwise mundane horoscope for today. Truth. What is truth for you? For me it not simply the opposite of "lie". I often think of phrases like "speak your truth" or "speaking truth to power" which imply that while there are facts, things that can be proved or not, truth goes much deeper than that. For me truth implies something greater than fact, something personal, coming out of one’s experience. When I speak my truth it comes from being a white woman, privileged, educated, of a certain economic status and of a certain generation. My truth is influenced by the experiences of my life and my view of the world.

When I read today’s words meant to guide my day I was reminded of The Four-Fold Way of Angeles Arrien. Arrien, an anthropologist, author and educator wrote this book to offer some of the wisdom of indigenous cultures to the developed world. In the book she outlines the four messages that help humans to live in harmony and balance with our environment and our own inner nature. These messages are:"Show up and choose to present, Pay Attention to what has heart and meaning, Tell the truth without blame or judgment, and Be open to outcome."

For many months, as I went into what I anticipated might be a difficult meeting I would write these messages on the paper in front of me. Show up,Pay attention, Tell the truth, Let go of the outcome. It was a very helpful practice for me and helped me to move through the meeting in an authentic way, in a kinder, gentler way, and to allow the Spirit to do what work needed to be done in that setting.

At some point of that practice, it became clear to me that this is how Jesus moved through his life. He showed up….in small towns, in cities, in temples, on hillsides. He paid attention….to the powerful, the powerless, the needy, the boastful. He told the truth….his truth…from his understanding of what it meant to be a prophetic Child of God. And he was open to the outcome……even when it was frightening, tragic and led to death.

As we enter this Holy Week, may each of us, in our own way, come to know what it means to be seekers of truth……our own truth……as those who continue to tell this important story, as those who continue to live out this important story. May each of us come to know the story of Holy Week as one that leads us to greater truth.

Have a safe and blessed weekend……