More than Shamrocks

"I arise today through the might of heaven: the rays of the sun , the beams of the moon, the glory of fire,the speed of wind,the depth of sea, the stability of earth,the hardness of rock. I arise today through the power of God: God’s strength to comfort me, God’s might to uphold me,God’s wisdom to guide me,God’s eye to look before me,God’s ear to hear me,God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to lead me,God’s way to lie before me,God’s shield to protect me,God’s angels to save me from all that would cause me ill, both far and near, alone with others."

These words are said to appear on the Breastplate of St. Patrick, that patron saint of Ireland whose anniversary is celebrated tomorrow by the Irish and Irish "wanna-be’s". As in most celebrations, celebrating St. Patrick’s day over the years has become much more than just the marking of the life and death of a person of faith who brought his understanding of Christianity to this tiny island. For whatever you make or don’t make of St. Patrick’s Day, I offer these words assigned to his memory to you because they are words of faith, hope, and an affirmation of the all encompassing connection with the Holy.

What might our days be like if we truly did "arise" with these words on our lips? How might our days unfold if we claimed these words as we walked out our door, went about our daily commute, our joyful and challenging work, the trials and triumphs of our daily lives? What if each morning we donned the Breastplate of St. Patrick and walked out into the world with such confidence in the companionship of the Holy One?

What St. Patrick’s Day can offer us is more than an opportunity to wear green, go to a raucous parade, party with friends and sing "Danny Boy", all, well and good. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day can also offer us an opportunity to claim the hope and confidence of St. Patrick in the God who loves us so intimately in all our comings and goings. As we dig through our drawers and closets for that perfect green sweater, we can also say as St. Patrick did: "Christ behind me and before me,Christ beneath and above me, Christ with me and in me, Christ on my left and my right, Christ when I rise in the morning, Christ when I lie down at night, Christ in each heart that thinks of me, Christ in each mouth that speaks of me, Christ in each eye that sees me, Christ in each ear that hears me. I arise today…………"

What a blessed way to walk in the world! Not only on March 17th but everyday. Have a safe and happy weekend.