"Spirit of earth, take root in me; strength of fire, enliven me; power of wind, blow through me; blessing of rain, fall on me. Wisdom of blood, flow through me; promise of seed, unfold in me; endurance of story, speak through me; spiral of time, remember me." Jan L. Richardson
This past Sunday I was privileged to be a part of a worship service at a church in one of the northern suburbs of St. Paul. This church has a beautiful building and also a rare, outdoor chapel. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, they worship in a grove of oak trees that joins the back of the parking lot. A fire pit sits at the center of the grove and around the fire, small rustic, brown benches of varying heights form a circle around the fire. Birds sang in the trees providing music that rivaled anything our human voices could produce. It was a beautiful, holy place.The space itself required simplicity in liturgy,music and dress…..
Certainly the ancients worshiped in just such a place. They gathered around the fire and told their stories, offered gratitude for the day’s gifts, perhaps shared with one another and with the Holy their joys and sorrows. Standing in that outdoor chapel I was overcome with a keen sense of being connected through time with all those who have gathered, placing the fire of God at the center of their lives.Like Moses, I wanted to "take off my shoes" for I was, indeed, "on holy ground." The enduring story of our faith moved through this group of 21st century people in much the same way it has moved before…..providing a common thread for us to hold as we move in our own day, in our own life experiences….praying with deep hope that we are remembered and held close by the One who created us.
I love our churches with beautiful and artistic stained glass windows, often recounting the stories of our faith.. But there is something deep and powerful about standing on the Earth, no colored glass to hide the dancing leaves and the waving branches and, without walls, to offer our worship.To raise voices with those that fly is sweet music.And let all Creation say: "Amen."