Gift Bag

A day ago our seven-year-old neighbor appeared at our door with a bag in her hand. Smiling her now toothless grin, she announced:"We've brought you eight fish for the pond!" She and her siblings love to come over to feed the goldfish that make their home in a small pond we created to give us the comforting sound of water. She held her arm high as we lowered the fish in their temporary bag-home into the water that had been warmed by our 90 degree temperatures. They would float there until they acclimated(as much as fish do) to their new surroundings. Then they would be released to make their home among waterlilies and other plants.

While we waited she told me about her day. "Guess what? I jumped off the diving board today." I expressed my admiration at her courage. "I was wearing a life jacket." Still, a feat to be affirmed. As we talked she moved around the garden, touching this flower, bending to look at what ever caught her attention, never missing a beat in our conversation. Is there anything better than conversation with an inquisitive child?

Much later, after we had finished our fish release from bag to pond and had scooped out the one fish that had not made a successful journey from store to our home, we walked to the front yard. As we stood talking, her summer day-care provider happened to drive by. "Did you tell everyone what you did today? Remember by the end of the week you won't need the life jacket!" She turned around beaming at the prospect of future jumping as only her body and swimsuit hit the water. Another life adventure accomplished!

Later in the evening I thought of the times when we need the comfort and safety of life jackets to hold us on whatever jump we are taking. And then there comes a time when we can slowly unzip the floatation device and propel ourselves over whatever precipice we seek to conquer. Hopefully, like our young neighbor,we each have someone who can help us maneuver the waters, someone who can help us see when the time is right to let go of the securities that help keep us afloat. Hopefully we also have those around who can urge us on and affirm our landing, whether beautiful in its execution or its clumsy, belly flop.This is my prayer for everyone, whether seven or seventy.

We now have seven new fish in our pond. What a great gift bag to receive on a hot, summer evening. Fish…….and so much more.

"With water, which is as clear as your spirit, my child, we bless you. Grow in conscience, be rooted in good stories, grow spiritually, for spirit too is a good gift. " ~Mark Belletini

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