In Residence

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.”
~Joseph Campbell

Last night I happened to catch an interview on NPR by Terri Gross with Beverly and Dereck Joubert. This couple studies animals in their natural habitat and create exquisite photographs. This particular interview dealt with their work in photographing and observing lions in Botswana. It was fascinating to listen to the many things they learned about these beautiful, exotic creatures.

About midpoint through the interview, Terri spoke of their titles: ‘Adventurers-in-Residence’. My head snapped at the name. Wow! How do you get a title like that, I wondered? Here at the church where I work we have had a Composer-in-Residence, an Artist-in Residence and even a Bishop-in-Residence. But Adventurer-in-Residence? I long for the day!

The rest of the interview was lost on me because my mind was already thinking of where, in my dreams,  I would like to be as I took on this new title. What kind of adventures might be calling? Where might those adventures take me? What tools would I need to be an adventurer-in-residence, what skills? Could I take up this calling and still keep my day job? So many exciting questions streamed through my brain like a quick out-pouring of all things possible.

As I parked my car in our garage, it became clear that no one had offered me such a position. I looked at all the bikes, kayaks, lawn equipment, garbage cans, and general junk that lined the walls of this snow encrusted structure. These were the things of real life, my life. Not adventure. These were the things that in just a few short weeks will need to be hauled out and cleaned up for the season ahead. Not very exciting or adventurous.

However, I was only momentarily brought back down to earth. The seed of this adventurer spirit had already been planted and watered. With a sense of possibility I wondered what would happen if I saw myself as an Adventurer-in-Residence in my own life. How would I live differently? How would you? What if in the very work we are already doing someone gave us the promotion to this illustrious title? Perhaps then the way we approach even the most mundane task would suddenly take on new energy, new vision. Perhaps if we all saw ourselves as adventurers we might approach the work we do, the gift of each day with an excitement worthy of the task as we ward off danger and disasters, as we climb mountains, battle dragons, even heal the world.

Webster’s dictionary defines ‘adventure’ as ‘involving danger and unknown risk‘ but also ‘an exciting and remarkable experience.’  Anyone who has lived a few years knows that it often takes unknown risk to bring us to remarkable experiences. So,what adventure is in your future? How can you take the simple tasks of this day and see the adventure in them? How can we all allow the adventurer spirit to take up residence in us?

Folks, it is March. The winter has been long and there is another snowstorm predicted for early next week. I say, it is time for some Adventure!

1 thought on “In Residence

  1. I salute your adventure! Today is beach day on sanibel island. Let the adventure begin!

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