Being Fed

I have been thinking a lot about food lately. Our theme for Lent is “Feeding Hungry Hearts” and we have just completed and published a devotional on this theme. It is interesting what people imagine when they talk about being fed. Of course this theme calls people into a wider, richer place than literal food. It encourages them to reflect on what it is they are truly hungry for, what it is that really nourishes and brings life.

Earlier in the week I heard a news report about a town in Minnesota that was anticipating the loss of many jobs due to a closing business. One woman who was interviewed owned a flower shop in town. She was commenting on her sadness at the losses this would bring to many of the people she knew. She also spoke about how people choose to spend their limited resources mentioning, of course, food, housing and fuel. She then went on to say that in the course of what was about to happen ‘people really won’t need flowers.’

The statements I am about to make come from my own place of privilege and I own that. No doubt I found myself disagreeing somewhat with her comment because I had been thinking of this Lenten theme. I had been thinking about what really feeds my hungry heart. I know beauty is certainly one thing. I don’t disagree about the necessities she outlined, I just know that each of us also have deeper longings that cannot be met by those hierarchy of needs we know exist. She is right that those who do not have a warm home or enough food probably are not thinking about flowers. But that does not mean they don’t need them. It only means they might not be able to afford to buy them.

In these winter days,when I take time to visit the Como Conservatory and allow the color and fragrance of the various flowers and plants to wash over me, I am fulfilling a need. I often allow myself to watch others taking in the beauty of the tiny petals, the enormous, complicated leaves. Surely these people are meeting some need they have. A need to be a witness. A need to be surprised. A need to be present to something that they had no hand in creating or bringing to birth. A need to be open to the goodness that exists in Creation. So many needs filled through the power of seed, sun, water and tending.

Most days we are hungry for more than bread. What hungers are you holding? What gnaws at your stomach in the middle of the night and keeps you awake in the morning hours? Whatever that deep hunger is, my prayer is that you find what nourishes, what feeds you. And may you blessed with what you need.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to Spring ahead……

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