Mud World

"Friend, please tell me what I can do about this mud world I keep spinning out of myself!"

There are times in our lives that are simply filled with greater clarity.There are the days that flow out just as planned, one foot in front of the other, all the order imagined takes shape and, there you have it, a perfect plan, perfectly executed. When we are in these times of smooth going, it can seem as if we are on top of the world. It is very easy to become prideful about how organized and together we are, turning our faces away from the Humpty Dumpty we all fear we are. 

But more days, I believe, are like the ones the ancient mystic Kabir speaks of: mud pies that spin out of our center. These are the days that find us waking up fuzzy-headed without a clear sense of  which side of the bed is the best to begin our daily walk. Trying to shake the cobwebs free from the night's sleep we stumble into yet another seemingly futile journey of seconds, minutes, hours until we fall back into the bed we crawled out of earlier. What happened in the in-between hours? What muddy mess did I make? Or was I so busy squishing through the mess of yesterday that I never got to today's muddy laundry?

It has been my experience that these mud world times are really not the mess they may appear to be. Instead, the days when my 'mud world comes spinning out of myself' are the days where creativity is happening though I am usually oblivious to it. While I'm spinning, there are greater powers at work that are planting ideas, song fragments, little poems, and all manner of creative ideas into the muddy, moving mess of my life. It can feel discombobulating but if I hold on gently enough, I arrive at some new place, almost always a better place, equipped with something brand new. This new place is not one that could have happened if I'd made neat rows, stacked things in increasing order of size, lined other things in drawers. This new place had to make its way through the chaos of creativity,the over-flowing drawers,into mud worlds, through spinning, to arrive, to be born.

We should know from our origin story, Genesis, that creativity is born out of chaos. Out of spinning fragments of light and dark. Through spiraling globs of mud and splashes of sea. Until stars were born. And moons. And suns. And things that creep and crawl and walk and fly. Until those of us created in the image of the One who breathed it all into being would get to live out creation every minute, every hour, every day. 

So that's what we are doing with this mud world that spins out from each of us. We are helping create the world anew. Day after day after day.  What a life!


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