"The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened
up and he saw God's Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing
on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: "This is my Child, chosen and
marked by my love, delight of my life." Matthew 3(The Message)
This morning I attended a worship service as a visitor. This is unusual for me given I am in worship leadership most Sundays of the year. It was glorious to not know what might happen next, to be able to be a participant, to have my prayers be focused in a different way, to sing without leading. I was able to be present in a completely different way. It was a wonderful experience. I personally think all church goers should go outside their 'comfort zone' several times a year, attending churches other than their own. It is not only good for those who venture out, it is good for the 'visited' church and for the 'home' church. Every one comes back with new eyes.
This morning's service was graced with a baptism…..a beautiful baptism….with lovely words, an immensely happy family and a sense of connection to the gathered community. That gathered community today included me. As I was present to this young one….Sarah Genevieve….I realized that I was now connected to her life whether I meant to be or not. By being present today at her baptism, by witnessing her family's commitments to her, I was now tied to her. Though we may never see one another again, I am now a part of her story. All those present today are connected to Sarah Genevieve through the invisible lines of connection of Spirit. What an awesome gift! What an amazing responsibility!
I am sad to say that often people come to worship with little understanding of the immense story of which we are a part. Each of us comes to any given worship experience ready to have our needs met….whatever that may mean for us. We come to connect with the Holy and to offer our joys, sorrows, gratitude and questions. This is all good.
But what really happens….whether we own it or not….is that we become entwined in each other's lives. We share Breath, hear the prayers of those we know well and those we've never met. We share in the sacred stories and, if we are really present to the words, we are transformed in some way, becoming a part of that Big Story of faith.
All this makes worship risky business. Worship when done with true intention is not a spectator sport. It is a laying your life on the line experience. It is an opening your heart for the world to see event. It is a digging deep, take your shoes off happening. Or at least it should be.
I know this is all true because, you see, I looked into the round brown eyes of Sarah Genevieve, eight months new to world, the waters of baptism still fresh on her forehead, and she looked back. Her eyes told me we are bound together………forever.