Some days are more complicated than others. You wake up and look at your calendar only to see that you have to be several places in the course of a few hours. Trying not to get overwhelmed you plot your game plan, try to make lists of what you will need for each stop along the way. Downing breakfast and a quick cup of coffee, you head out into the world, head tucked in, fists clenched.
That was a snapshot of my morning, my Monday morning. After a somewhat relaxing weekend, I awoke to a full plate on what promises to be a smorgasbord of a week. As I got into my car and headed out, I was mentally playing through all the details of my day. Did I have that document printed? Did I make the changes in that paragraph that I thought about in the middle of the night? Had I thought through in a clear way what I wanted to say at the afternoon meeting? All these thoughts racing through my head at near speed limit as I crossed the Mendota Bridge.
And then my eyes caught sight of the vanity plate on the car in front of me. "Maybe" was all it said. Maybe. What can that mean?, I thought. Why would anyone put 'maybe' on their license plate? Immediately a snippet of song from the musical 'Cabaret' went through my head….'maybe this time I'll be lucky…maybe this time for the first time…..'. Shaking off that savant moment, I turned my mind back to the car in front of me tooling along with this 'maybe' message taking up the rear.
Maybe is a good Monday word. On the second day of the week, the first of most people's work week, 'maybe' holds unlimited possibilities. Maybe I'll get that project finished this week. Maybe I'll negotiate a raise this week. Maybe I'll have the courage to speak up at that meeting and tell everyone about my idea. Maybe I'll talk to that interesting person I always see on the bus. Maybe I'll surprise my family with a wonderful dinner tonight. Maybe I'll reach out to the co-worker I know I was short with last week.
Maybe is also a good word for the season of Lent. It holds the possibility of reconciliation, healing, forgiveness, hope. In these days that move us toward an ever-evolving spring and the celebration of new life, 'maybe' cracks open our crusty winter ways and holds forth the golden egg.
I have no idea what the person driving the 'Maybe' car meant by holding out this message. Perhaps there was some very concrete purpose to this word for them. All I know is that today, for me, their 'maybe' really made my Monday. Their message jogged my winter brain into the possibility of spring,of new life, and raised an ordinary start to another week to fresh,new heights.