I was following the common green sedan looking at the bumper sticker that has now become a fairly common sight. 'COEXIST' it reads using faith symbols that spell the word. The message is one of tolerance, honor and peace among religious groups that can sometimes bicker over one thing or another making it seem as if the possibility of coexistence is impossible. Seeing the bumper sticker, I always have that feeling:"ah…these are my people." Yesterday was no exception.
And yet as my eyes moved to the inhabitants of the car, I saw that, instead of a car of middle aged liberals, there were four young women driving along carrying this message. Even more, they were four young women, dancing in their seats, singing at the top of their lungs, smiles spread like sunshine across their faces. I couldn't hear their music but I felt their song.
As I passed them they saw me smiling. They may have thought I was an older adult shaking my head, smug with frustration that they weren't paying enough attention to the road. They would have been wrong. Instead I was thinking of the gift they had given me…..the moment of connection with my own inner young woman who dances when she has a chance, whose heart sings to all kinds of music, who has done what they were doing many a time. Singing for the sheer fun of it!
A few minutes later as they passed me, the driver looked over briefly, her finger pointed in the air in Saturday Night Fever fashion as she continued to sing and bounce with one hand on the wheel. Our eyes met, smiles shining, we connected through their silent song that I could hear from some time past.
As we returned our attention to the road ahead, I felt the joy of the ability to 'coexist' with these vibrant, happy, carefree young women. Some of the worry I had planted that morning seemed to melt away in the momentary presence of their pure joy. The air lifted, my breath became steadier, deeper. My face relaxed and took with it the muscles in my shoulders and back.
What a blessing………thank you…….be well………traveling mercies. It's good to travel the world with you.
It promises to be a warm weekend. Finally! Enjoy…….