Shadow & Light

This morning I spent a long period of time simply looking at the light falling in my backyard. Of course, with all the rain we’ve had, the flowers look particularly colorful and lovely and the grass rivals the Emerald Isle. But it was the play of light on it all that captured my attention.

Any photographer will tell you ‘it’s all about the light’. Any well captured image will pull the eye toward the subject that is held in the light. Any performer will also tell you about ‘finding their light’ on the stage, that hot spot which you lift your face toward until the heat hits….just there….bringing all eyes onto the face of the one who will deliver the monologue or sing the music. Many performers also know that asking for a ‘pink light’ will make them appear younger, more vibrant while a stark, white light will bring out the coldness and age in a face.

Light is a powerful source of energy and a powerful metaphor. We wish to be en-light-ened. We know people who light up a room. Driving at certain times of day we are blinded by the light and it becomes a hazard. We revel in these nearly summer days when the light is so much with us. As we move toward the Summer Solstice next week, we don’t like to think that on June 21st the light will once again begin to lessen each day until deep December.

Light is so very important….but so is the shadow. In those same images snapped by a photographer, the shadow brings the depth to the photo, gives texture to a face and power to what is in the light.I wonder why we don’t honor and think of the shadow of ourselves, the shadows of our lives, with more fondness? Embracing the shadow of our experience helps us to walk more beautifully and fully into the light.

The 13th century Sufi poet and teacher Rumi writes: "You must have shadow and light source both. Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe. When from that tree feathers and wings sprout on you, be quieter than a dove. Don’t even open your mouth for even a coo."

Outside my office window the newly formed oak leaves are dancing in the light of this glorious June day. The sunlight is creating shadow puppets on the huge trunk that has grown in this spot for decades. Back and forth, back and forth goes the dance. Light and shadow joining forces…..creating awe. I’ll keep my mouth closed for now. I’ll only coo with my eye and, perhaps, my heart.