"Lately I’ve been thinking hard about what works to suggest to my children from the vast literary realm we call spiritual writing. This question has serious ramifications, for ideas are food and one becomes, to a greater extent than many realize, what one reads." Philip Zaleski, The Best American Spiritual Writing
I sat with my spiritual director yesterday and talked about a desire to be stimulated intellectually and spiritually. Perhaps it is the gray days of March or our emphasis on being pilgrims that has caused me to be nudged to learn something new. I want to read something that challenges me, something that causes me to see the world with new eyes. Often this desire grips me in September when school begins again, having been so a part of that learning rhythm my whole life. But whatever the reason, this desire has taken up residence in me during these dreary days before spring’s awakening.
I have been blessed my whole life to be surrounded by life long learners. By mother is an avid reader. She mostly reads novels and through our conversations I have learned that novels hold not only good stories but great lessons to be learned. I think of the many voracious readers in my circles of friends, those who often begin conversations with: "Have you read….?" or "The other day I was reading.….." I am blessed to be in two book clubs and those circles always bring great suggestions for the next best read. The words we have read together have built a rich soil for the growth of our friendships.
While I am not completely sure what I am searching for, I do know I want something that stimulates my intellect while deepening my spiritual journey. Yesterday while thinking about this quest I had the same sensation you have when you are hungry for a certain taste but just can’t quite come up with what it is.You open cabinets, then the refrigerator door, only to close each without finding what you wanted, needed. I have made similar trips to my bookshelves.
So, I am asking you for your suggestions. What are you reading these days that stimulates and inspires you? Is there a certain author that is challenging you to think new thoughts, ask new questions? Has a certain book grabbed you and caused you to find extra minutes of every day so you can steal away and read? What book is deepening your faith these days?
You may not have noticed but these musing now allow for your comments. And so I invite you to send along your book suggestions by clicking on "Comment on this" at the end of the daily writings. If the book isn’t the one I’m searching for perhaps it will be just the perfect one be for someone else. This process could yield a reading list that feeds us all.