
"Light our way, O God of the living. May we learn to see with new eyes." 
             David Haas, from Morning Hymn

I have been out of  the "beam of civilization" for a few days which is to say….where there was no Internet service…and have been unable to write these reflections. It is an unusual experience to disconnect in this way. But now that I am "reconnected" I want to share a  ‘first’ for me.

I wrote last week about the upcoming Blessing of the Animals service that happened this past Sunday. It was a glorious event, many beautiful dogs of all shapes and sizes, also several cats, one in particular who filled every silence with its magnificent voice.There were two sweet little mice in a pale, pink screened lunch box shaped carrier. But the highlight for many of us was the gecko named Peppy.

Peppy arrived with his family…Mom, one boy and two girls. He came to church in small Tupperware container with air holes punched in the top. I was told it was his ‘traveling container’ and that at home he lived in a much different home.  Peppy and his family were first time guests and seemed to be having a lively wonderful morning.

Let me be clear. I am not a great fan of most reptiles. I am skittish about their ability to move fast, their ‘sliminess’.  So when I greeted Peppy and his family, under normal circumstances, I would have been fairly anxious.  Peppy sat right behind me during the entire worship service. I observed the way he was lovingly held by his boy. I watched Mom gently hold Peppy during the singing of a hymn as she helped the girls count the number of times we sang "Alleluia!". I was amazed by Peppy’s body as it clung to the boy’s finger and watched as the boy brought Peppy toward his face until they were nose-to-nose, eye-to-eye. Certainly this reptile was unlike others I had met……this reptile was loved unconditionally and was a treasured part of this family.

As the family brought Peppy forward for a blessing, the boy placed Peppy in my outstretched hand just as he had seen others do with their dogs and cats. The boy expected, without saying so, that Peppy would be as welcome in my hands as the other furry creatures had been. As Peppy crawled onto my finger, the family gathered around my open palm. "Peppy, may God bless you all your days and may you always be a faithful companion" I spoke these words and watched the smiles break across their faces. Peppy seemed to lift his lidless eyes toward me…..or was it just my imagination? Perhaps it was I who was being blessed…….. By this sweet family who love this strange little lizard, who see his beauty, his uniqueness, his place in the family of God.

All I know for sure it that I held a gecko…..and I was not afraid. I was joyful.