"Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep;but lift up your voice with strength." John Wesley
Have you sung a song yet today? In the shower this morning, did you feel the urge to belt out a tune? I love looking at the cars passing me and see someone singing for all they are worth. The tin can they are maneuvering becomes a spotlighted stage where they are the star complete with backups by their favorite singer. As someone who has logged considerable time holding a hairbrush microphone, I know the power of singing at the top of your lungs. Singing releases vibrations that have the power to heal and bring positive energy. It is good for the soul.
Most adults sing too little. If you observe children, you will see that they sing alot…little snippets of a tune here…a full phrase there….their music punctuates their play. They are performing their own musical without even thinking. We could learn from their example.
In worship we are focusing on the Psalms right now. The psalms were believed to have been songs sung by the writer in praise and thanksgiving, lament and prayer, almost always with a hopeful ending. Taking their life experience, their devotion to God, their sense of relationship to the Divine, they sang. These words are so powerful because, though written thousands of years ago, they also reflect our own trials, fears, hopes, longings. Their music becomes our music.
Wouldn’t today be a great day to let loose a song? Don’t worry….even if someone is watching they might join you…..and if not they might wish they had. Pick a song, any song and let ‘er rip! You’ll feel better….I promise.
"All music is gospel. All music is sacred. We carve music up into categories for commercial reasons, but really, that’s just business. All music is sacred because life is sacred. We just need to live it." Willie Nelson