Too Much, Too Soon?

What a day yesterday was! It seemed unbelievable that it was over 80 degrees on March 26th. It was too warm for many…Minnesota blood warms up slowly. It was just right for others….those who have their summer clothes at the ready were out in full force. Whether it was too much, too soon for you or not, it was a wonderful opportunity to glimpse the things to come.

Here are a few things I noticed… grass cropping up along dirty freeways…..tulips pushing up through the soil…..a worm wiggling on the sidewalk…..a young boy peddling his bike minus the training wheels with his mother running close behind……toes painted red… cream being devoured……the smell of grills fired up…..robins, an eagle, gulls and other small birds……ants making their way indoors…a sense of promise and hope everywhere. And then there was the sky at sunset….orange,pink,purple,bright blue. Quite a show! 

Spring does that, doesn’t it? It spreads itself out with arms as wide as possible and seems to say: Here I am! Look at me! Am I not beautiful?! Spring is the extroverted season that says, "Notice me! I want your company."

As we approach Holy Week, it is good to remember that the word Lent actually means "spring". We walk these holy days toward the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and the rebirthing of the Earth. What is our task? To notice…….to be mindful of how the Holy is calling us toward the resurrection places in our own lives…….to be awed by the continual rising of promise and newness……….and to be thankful.

Keep awake!