Happy Vernal Equinox! Today most of the world experiences equal amounts of light and dark…12 hours of sunlight, 12 hours of darkness….half and half. It is a pivotal point, a point of balance. Some say it is the day when an egg will stand balanced upright. Who knows?
Whether eggs will balance or not, it is certainly a day when we can recognize the beauty and order of the Universe. It is reason to be thankful and hopeful that, while other activities of humanity may be spinning in ways that seem out of control, the work of Creation and Creator continue to move with purpose and intention….heading toward spring, the rebirth of the Earth, the beauty of color returning after cold and snow, gray and clouds.
J. Philip Newell in Celtic Treasure:Daily Scriptures and Prayers has this version of the Genesis story:"On the fourth day God said,"Let there be lights in the heavens," So the wind carried fire on its wings and scattered light through the skies. There was a great light to rule the day and a gentler light to rule the night. And there were glittering galaxies beyond number. The sun, the moon and the stars moved in harmony. They guided the seasons. They marked the days and the years. They shone on earth as signs of heaven. God saw that it was good."
Great and Gentle Light, today we are held in your balance. As we move through this day, washing dishes, driving carpool, meeting deadlines, all the ordinary events of our lives, we move in a harmony unseen, yet guided, marking our days and our years, shining the light of heaven upon us…….and it is very, very good.