For the last several Lenten seasons I have used a small book by Joan Chittister as a devotional. It is called Life Ablaze:A Woman’s Novena. A novena is nine consecutive days of prayer. This practice has been a tradition in the Roman Catholic Church for years. The nine days represent the nine days of prayer that Mary and the disciples spent together after Jesus’ Ascension. They were lost and trying to figure out "what next?" They were waiting and praying for the Holy Spirit.
The novena is a wonderful practice.I pray the prayers for nine days and then at the end of those nine days, I begin the prayers again. It is always interesting to me how the prayer takes on a different feeling,tone, intention at each repetition. Indeed, the "what next?"of my life has changed in only nine days. It is a profound lesson that what can seem today like "the end of the world" or URGENT, in only nine days can seem immaterial or even impossible to remember. In the pace most of us live, everything can seem urgent, immediate, ultimate. But usually, in truth, most are not. So much of the work we do is important….but not urgent. It is an important fact for me to remember.
One of the wise women whose words are in Life Ablaze is Julian of Norwich. Julian, an English medieval mystic living in times that were as difficult as ours knew well the Hope that lives at the center of our Universe. When life was spinning about her, she said these words: All shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well.
These words are filled with the faith, mercy, grace, assurance and calm of someone who knows deeply that she is held in the arms of God. I offer them to you today. Be well……