This morning while looking for a particular book on my office bookshelves, I ran across a small,green,laminated card that I had created for a retreat I led a few years ago. The card listed the Seven Whispers from a book by Christina Baldwin. The book’s subtitle is "Listening to the Voice of Spirit." The small book gives guidance for living an intentional, mindful, Spirit-centered life. Each chapter holds simple yet rich ways of going about our daily living.
The first intention is "Maintain peace of mind." Easier said than done. I don’t know about you, but it is very easy for me to take one small annoyance and throw gasoline on the fire. What began as a small blip in the day turns into a tsunami of emotion, activity, disconnection and negativity. If in the face of whatever caused the annoyance, I can "maintain peace of mind",my peaceful approach will cause a much more peaceful outcome. This peace of mind connects me with the mind of Christ, reinforcing that I am indeed connected to something greater than myself.
So, today as I go out into the cold winter morning, in addition to enjoying the beauty of the sun on snow, it will be my intention to maintain peace of mind. My prayer is that in maintaining peace of mind I will also spread peace on my path.
More about the Seven Whispers tomorrow.