The sixth principle of The Seven Whispers is my favorite. "Love the folks in front of you". Each day we come into contact with so many people…family, friends, teachers, co-workers. These are the people we truly love, think we love, want to love, want to at least "like". But Christina Baldwin is challenging us to fling the net of our people-loving much further. Love the folks in front of you. That means the person in the checkout line who is grumpy, the paper-carrier you glimpse first thing in the morning, the man standing at the corner with the sign asking for money, the person who cuts you off in traffic…..all of them!
I love to imagine a morning on which everyone walks out into the world with this one goal:Love the folks in front of you. Can you imagine what might happen on such a day? Baldwin says:"Loving the folks in front of us is a spiritual practice we do one behalf of our own growth and on behalf of the healing needed all around us."
What might happen on any given day if we all….even if just a few of us made this our intention? This spiritual practice of loving each person who crosses our path, I believe, would cause a ripple of positive energy- of healing- to be sent out into the world, a ripple so great we might be surprised by its effect . Bottom line, how could it hurt?
Today, may you love those folks who walk into your life….and may that love be returned.